It was a canine party at the Walla Walla Dog Park today and all shapes, sizes, ages, and breeds converged with their owners in tow to take part in a summer afternoon of fun and frolic.

A dog park is an interesting concept, and for some pets it can be a little overwhelming. The owners all seem well-behaved by adhering to the rules, and being mindful of poop and such. But once your pet is off the leash you never know if your dog will mind their manners. Everyone was having a good time, even while sharing the refreshments. But unfortunately, when it came to sharing attention with the other dogs, Jessie didn't do well.
I'm sorry to say that today my dog Jessie wasn't the ideal party guest. I took her to the dog park for her benefit - she loves to run and play; and this was a perfect opportunity to mix and mingle and make a few four-legged friends. However, she hung pretty close to me, giving a little growl to those that came near. She's really a friendly fun-loving dog, but why does she get so jealous when I pay attention to another pup. Needless to say - Jessie and I left the party early. We'll be sure to work on a little "doggie etiquette" and give it try on another day.
The Walla Walla Dog Park is a great addition to the community - if you haven't done so already, take your pup and give it a try.